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Renew your SSL Certificate with Microsoft IIS 5.0 & 6.0

Do not use the Renew the current certificate option in the Server Certificate wizard. This option will make your existing certificate go offline for the duration of the renewal process. Instead, please follow these instructions:

1. In IIS, create a temporary site.

2. Create a new CSR with Microsoft IIS 5.0 & 6.0 and send it to us.

3. Once your order is processed,install your certificate with Microsoft IIS 5.0 & 6.0 for this temporary site.

4. You must now replace your old certificate in the live site with the new certificate in the temporary site.

5. Right-click on your live site and click Properties. Go to Directory Security and click Server Certificate.

6. Select Replace the current certificate and click Next.

7. Select the new certificate from the list. Click Next and Finish.

Your old certificate has now been replaced with the new certificate.

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