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You may encounter this issue:

"Export an SSL certificate from Microsoft IIS (5, 6 & 7)"


To export or back up an SSL certificate from Microsoft IIS 5.0, 6.0 or 7.x, save a copy of your SSL certificate (including private key) to a PFX file:  

  • Step 1: Create a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Snap-in for managing certificates   
  • Step 2: Export the certificate 
  1. Open the Certificates (Local Computer) snap-in you added, then select Personal and Certificates

  2. Right-click certificate name, go to All Tasks then Export.

  3. When the Certificate Export Wizard opens, choose Next

  4. Select Yes, export the private key and Next

  5. Select Personal Information Exchange

  6. Ensure only Include all certificates in the certificate path if possible is checked and click Next

  7. Enter and confirm a password (we advise you to choose a strong one with capital letter, figures and symbols) and select Next

  8. Choose a file name and location for the export file > click Next and Finish

PS: We advice you save to the file to a CD or diskette. If you saved the file to a local disk, then the PFX file is copied when the disk is backed up. This may compromise security.

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