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For implementing your Secure Site Pro EV through Tomcat PFX, please follow these steps:

1. Generate your CSR with Microsoft IIS7

2. Reissue the certificate

3. Recover P7B file (public key + intermediaite certificates)

4. Answer the pending request (If answer bug, go to IIS 7 Help Page, it is a common error) 

5. Run MMC, then go to Personal file, target the certificate

6. Click on the certificate and check the access path has got 4 certificates. If not, go to Root file and unactivate the 17/7/2036 Verisign root certificate. Then go back to Personal file and check you have the 4 certificates.

7. Export and click here.

8. Stop your MMC and launch once again. This time it will be running with no errors.



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